Free Delivery for orders over Z$1500

Working Hours

Mon-Fri: 9 AM โ€“ 6 PM

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: 9 AM โ€“ 4 PM


Unit 25, Naemoor Farm, Coburn Estates, Chegutu, Zimbabwe.


Telephone: +263 773 871 470

The real Italian tastes. Pizza Sparkle crew first and foremost values an authentic, well baked slice of pizza.


About the Venture

EpicGreensโ„ข is an Agriventure dedicated to sustainable, profitable and unique agricultural products. We produce and grow quality, specialty greens, vegetables and some dry crops for local consumers in Mashonaland West and the rest of Zimbabwe.  


EpicGreensโ„ข was inspired/triggered by the need to improve social conditions of school pupils around the farming community with which we exist. It was with this mind that we set out to seek a sustainable CSR (Cooperate Social Responsibility) model that will banish the โ€˜beggar-donorโ€™ syndrome but create a wealth generating Agriventure from the only natural resource at our disposal, LAND.  


Our Vision

To generate wealth in Agriculture and become the

โ€˜Food Basket of  Zimbabweโ€™  


Our Mission

Establish a market presence that assures short-term and long-term profitability growth and success of the Agriventure to ensure poverty eradication within our sphere of influence. 



 โ€˜He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows frivolity will have poverty enough!โ€™ Proverbs 28:19 

Epic Greens is a sustainable agricultural project that brings locally grown organic vegetables to the table.


We are committed to preserving the natural environment while providing fresh, organic vegetables to the community. We grow in organic soil without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers.


We are committed to sustainable agricultural practices by conserving water and energy, minimizing soil erosion, and eliminating the use of toxic chemicals.

We provide our customers with vegetables that are healthy and delicious.